
Generate qualified leads faster with BtoB audiobooks

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of leads generated vs PDF eBooks
form conversion rate on landing pages
5 days
average delivery time for a BtoB audiobook

Boost your audience engagement

PDF eBooks consumption is not always convenient, even less on mobile devices. Thanks to audiobooks offer to your users an immersive and easy-to-consume medium that will better transform your visitors into leads.

Gather meaningful insights to qualify your prospects

You don’t learn much about your prospects once they have downloaded your PDF eBooks... By contrast audio consumption data is a goldmine. Leverage this data to better know your prospects and improve your conversion rates.

Recycle your existing content in an efficient way

Make the most of your eBooks, webinars, topic clusters and other written publications to create on the fly new audiobooks on your key topics.

Offer a top-class consumption experience to your users

Content quality and perceived value are the two sides of the same coin. We don’t make any compromise regarding this and we work only with real human voices that will embody your brand.

Highlight your audiobooks

Benefit from the power and flexibility of our embeds to promote your audiobooks on your pages and increase their reach.

A turnkey solution that saves you time

Content selection
Choose existing contents that will serve as a basis for your audiobooks
We slightly adapt your content to make it suit perfectly to audio specific characterisrtics.
Voice booking
A professional comedian records the audio version.
We mix vocal parts and take care of the sound design to deliver ready-to-broadcast content.

These companies work with StayTuned for their BtoB audiobooks

Nos clients en parlent le mieux

"StayTuned nous a permis de proposer à notre audience cible un tout nouveau format de contenu, qui a beaucoup plu !

Proposer un ebook au format audio permet à nos personae de s’informer sur leurs thématiques métiers tout en faisant autre chose en même temps. Et en tant qu’Inbound Manager un de mes rôles est justement de trouver des moyens de « recycler » des contenus existants sous d’autres formats. En plus l’équipe a été super réactive et en quelques jours seulement l’audiobook était prêt !"
Juliette Hervé
Inbound Maketing Manager @ Spendesk
"Nous voulions depuis longtemps tester un format audio et StayTuned nous a permis de lancer ce projet rapidement avec une qualité professionnelle.

Nous avons pu recycler notre ebook dans un format authentique et adresser une partie de notre cible qui n’a pas le temps de lire, tout en collectant des données précises sur leurs comportements d’écoute.
Un grand merci à pour avoir rendu ce projet réalisable !"
Joel Gaudeul
CMO @ Hivency
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