
CMS & Insights

Your one-stop shop to manage everything about your audio strategy.
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Hosting & Streaming

Upload a wide variety of audio contents among your on-demand, live or protected audios and deliver them seamlessly on your website & mobile applications, and also on 3rd party podcast apps !

Content Management

Choose precisely how you want to offer and highlight your different pieces of content. Use our editorialization features to organize your contents in some thematic or event-related sections.


Break your contents into key moments or takeaways to let your users scan quickly your audios. Allow them to launch directly the parts they are the most interested in, or easily go back to listen a chapter again.


Follow precisely how your different audio contents perform regarding where they are delivered. Go further than fuzzy metrics like downloads by measuring efficiently how your users engage with each of your content.

Follow meaningful KPIs

Number of listens
Count how many times your listeners have started to listen an audio.
Average listening duration
Compare listening durations between your different contents to identify what are the topics your audience engage the most with.
Completion rate
Measure completion rate on your audios to access to a detailed view of the stickiness of your contents.
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